The VillageGreenShop, your sustainable food enterprise

Food you can trust!

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Why organic farming is important

Soil is enriched of natural nutritional fertilizer so it meet your needs.

Soil is enriched of natural nutritional fertilizer to meet your needs.

TheVillageGreenShop’s mission is to reduce toxicity in food, unsustainable consumption and food waste and we do this through organic farming method, and a business model that allow us to plan production based on demand, pick to order produce and buy together.

Worm bed that provides nutrient-rich fertiliser for plants and soil.

Worm bed that provides nutrient-rich fertiliser for plants and soil.

Heaps of carabao manure that fertilises the soil.

Heaps of carabao manure that fertilises the soil.

What is organic farming?

The produce at TheVillagegGreenShop uses natural farming method where crops are grown without any pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and other chemicals. It uses animal manure and plant based pesticides like pepper spray and other herbs to keep insects at bay and maintain the health and productivity of the soil.

Different varieties of green leafy veg

Different varieties of green leafy veg

Why is organic farming important?

Evidence shows that the use of fungicides, pesticides and other chemicals are extremely dangerous to our health and the health of our planet as the use of these chemicals release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and penetrate the soil and water system.

Organic farming is sustainable agriculture because it restores or builds the soil’s eco system, respects the natural environment and ensure the livelihood for farm families.